Baked Marinated Tofu

This is a great recipe for converting the non tofu consumers.
If your friends or family are hesitant to try tofu or have had a poor experience with it in the past these cubes will turn them on to liking it… and even asking you for the recipe!


1 block firm or extra-firm tofu, chopped in ~1cm cubes
1 cup water
1/4 cup soy sauce, tamari or Bragg’s
1-2 tsp coriander seed 
4 cloves fresh garlic, crushed
* adjust amount of each marinade ingredient according to taste; these amounts are approximations, I never measure! You need enough liquid to completely immerse the tofu.
Combine marinade ingredients and pour over tofu so that all cubes are immersed. Store overnight in refrigerator, or at least 8 hours.
Place cubes on cookie sheet greased with coconut oil (an oil safe for high-heat cooking)
Bake at 400° for 30 minutes, or until desired consistency. Flip half way through.
Serve on own as a snack or as a protein topping to any salad.

Source: Juice for Life, by Ruth Tal

Shelby's Notes

-  add 1-2 tsp cumin seeds when grinding the coriander; for best results toast both in a pan prior to grinding. 
-  optional: roll cubes in nutritional yeast prior to baking
-  for smokey variation (my husband’s gleeful reaction was “it tastes like a hotdog!”) add 1 tsp of liquid smoke to the marinade.
- to encourage more infusion of the marinade, I try to be organized enough to press the tofu for several hours prior to marinating; remove from packaging, wrap several times in a clean towel, cover with heavy items (I use a flat plate covered by the heavy lid of my iron Dutch oven). Or use an actual tofu press.

Dr. Shelby Worts, BSc, ND

Naturopathic Doctor in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. Helping people feel better and take control of their health.

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