Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

These treats are a beautiful combination of sweet & salty.  And to make this even better... they can be made from start-to-finish in under 1 hour!

Start with making a batch of my Healthy Chocolate. Pour the liquid chocolate in to a squeezeable dispensar (such as the honey bear we used).

Squeeze out a small layer of chocolate in to each empty mould. Then put in freezer until set. ~10minutes.

Remove from freezer and add a small dollop of peanut butter to each base.  Our favourite is the organic peanut butter from Bulk Barn; peanuts and sea salt, that's all.

Cover with a 2nd layer of chocolate, until peanut butter is covered. Return to freezer until fully set. ~30minutes

For best consistency, keep chilled.


Dr. Shelby Worts, BSc, ND

Naturopathic Doctor in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. Helping people feel better and take control of their health.

Ginger Cake with Maple Cashew Sauce


Lentil Dal