“Osteoarthritis, sometimes called degenerative joint disease or osteoarthrosis, is the most common form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs when cartilage in your joints wears down over time.” - Mayo Clinic
Joint pain, which is caused by inflammation, may be the result of cartilage degradation, attributable to a glucosamine deficiency. The production of glucosamine tends to abate after the age of 40, in which case supplementing with a product, such as Joint Formula by Adeeva, is recommended. However, the cause of inflammation may not always be the result of a glucosamine deficiency and can be the result of any or all of the following five factors.
1. Some foods can promote inflammation. This can happen inherently, due to the presence of arachidonic acid, or from an immune response.
Tip #1 Experiment with avoiding the most commonly inflammatory foods: gluten, refined sugars, and dairy products.
Tip #2 Have your blood tested for IgG immune reactions to foods (available from your naturopathic doctor).
2. The structure of the joint can be compromised, such as from mal-alignment caused by muscle tension, or from a structural imbalance at a neighbouring joint. Eg. knee pain may be due to lower back, hip or ankle issues.
Tip #3: Receive assessment from a chiropractor who addresses soft tissues.
3. Since each of your joints is composed of a fluid-filled capsule, dehydration may be the culprit for pain. Even mild dehydration can affect the cushioning quality of this capsule.
Tip #4: Consume half your body weight (lb) in ounces (oz) of water, each day. Eg. 160lb person requires ~80 oz (10 cups) of water each day.
4. Toxicity, such as from heavy metals, pesticides, solvents, cleaning products and cologne, may also be contributing to joint pain.
Tip #5: Test your urine for heavy metals and blood for solvents; your naturopath can help determine which would be most appropriate.
Tip #6: Visit the local Environment Network to learn about healthier cleaning products for home and body.
5. Diet and lifestyle choices may also be contributing to joint pain, through metabolic acidosis which occurs when you have too many acids in your body. Ideally, your diet should be composed of 80% alkaline-forming foods and no more than 20% acid-forming ones.
Acid-forming foods include animal proteins, dairy products, cooked carbohydrates and sugar. Alkaline-forming foods include vegetables, leafy greens, fruits, soybeans, seeds and almonds.
Tip #7: If you are ~160lb, your daily goal for vegetable intake is 600g (raw weight)
To reduce pain & inflammation:
◦ follow the 7 Tips provided above.
◦ consider food, heavy metal, or solvent testing with your Naturopathic Doctor.
◦ consult a qualified health care provider who will help you explore the cause of your discomfort.